Sculpting…. falling into stillness…. reading the news….. talking with friends…. sculpting…. re-writing…. meeting up with a woman who knew Vimala Thakar and speaking for 6 hours straight…. scuplting….. for months…. thinking about what is sacred and finding myself looking into the trees outside my window…. re-writing…. re-thinking…. questionning the medium of film… how is film related to the sacred?….. women… men…. the deep longing for unity…. the news…. the news… the news…. North Korea…. US….. looking into the trees…. thinking about all the strong women and men who honored the sacred…. Hildegard von Bingen, Nelson Mandela,  Vimala Thakar, Martin Luther King… Leymah Gwobee, Teilhard de Chardin… the women from Women WagePeace… Sri Aurobindo…. the attempts to honor the sacred…. the failures….. my own failures…. the love and respect between human beings…. the artist who stopped painting and created flutes out of revolvers…. no more wars, no more weapons….. all the weapon industries turn into sustainable energy and natural food producing factories…. the crazy leaders of this world fall on their knees crying….. the sacredness of the trees outside the window….

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